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Purchase of Boeing or Airbus depends on Biman report

Civil Aviation Minister Faruk Khan today said the decision to purchase Boeing or Airbus aircraft will depend on the evaluation committee’s report.
The minister made the remarks while talking to reporters following a courtesy meeting with US Ambassador Peter Haas at the secretariat.
Faruk Khan said, “We want to buy new aircraft because we need to expand our fleet. Both Boeing and Airbus are competing in this field and have submitted their proposals to Biman.”
He said both proposals are currently being evaluated by a high-powered committee. The assessment is not over yet.
“We will purchase the aircraft from the respective company recommended by the evaluation committee.”
The minister said both the companies have made good proposals. After scrutinising the proposal, a decision will be taken based on whichever is beneficial.
Faruk said there was a discussion with the US ambassador about upgrading the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh to Category-1 and resuming the Dhaka-New York flight.
The direct flight connectivity has immense importance for Bangladesh.
The minister said, “We expect a decision in this regard soon.”
In response, the US ambassador said they will decide in accordance with international aviation law and Federal Aviation Administration regulations.
While talking to reporters, Haas said they have discussed the friendship, partnership and cooperation between Bangladesh and the US.
“We want to advance the friendship between the two countries. We want to work together in different fields in the future. Various US companies want to increase business cooperation here. US companies are particularly interested in partnering with Bangladesh’s growing aviation industry,” he said.
